Industrial construction
Visco has the necessary expertise to build and maintain industrial projects. We have specialized personnel and proprietary equipment.
Visco has the necessary expertise to build and maintain projects in the energy industry. Our extensive experience in industrial and energy projects covers many areas of work. Typical works we undertake and you can see in detail on our website are the following. Works such as construction and maintenance of industrial facilities and industrial equipment. Construction and repair works in metal chimneys and in concrete chimneys in industrial installations. Work at height as tall buildings, tall industrial chimneys, wind turbines, tanks. We have the necessary equipment and specialized personnel for the welding of conveyor belts by the method of hot vulcanization. We specialize in the design and construction of refractory linings in industrial furnaces and boilers as well as in antiacid structures to protect surfaces from chemicals. We have extensive experience on anti-friction linings, on sandblasting - painting work in industrial facilities, cleaning and clogging operations using up water blasting and on specialized industrial cleaning.